Beastmaster is a Canadian television series that aired from 1999 to 2002. It was loosely grounded on a 1982 MGM movie. The series aired for three entire and complete seasons (consist of 66 episodes ).
The series was nominated for the open craft award in the category of cinematography by the Australian film institute in 2000,and for the Saturn award for best syndicated/cable television series by the academy of science fiction, fantasy, and horror films, USA,in 2001. Beastmaster is presently running in syndication on sci-fi channel in the USA, but not in any prime-time slots.
It's never quite clear incisively how or why this would defeat such a noble and powerful evil being,but it's central premise of the story in the third season.
The series story arc should not be viewed strictly as a good vs. His friend tao, a trembling and fearful, psychology-attracted young man, who assists him in his quest. The world of the beastmaster is full of lost tribes, genocide looks being common,and all three of these characters are the survivors or last survivors of lost tribes. The sci-fi tv series also included a heap of definite and unforgettable guest outlines and appearances,such like the appearance of gaiety and grace Jones as the impatra warrior, keith hamilton cobb as a terron defector who is also in love with kyra, and king voden, played by dai paterson all around the second season.
Dar is the son of King Eldar, who was despoiled and destroyed by balcifer, and ought to locate and reunite his entire family, who have been turned into animals to hide them from balcifer, in the crystal arc, to defeat balcifer. Tao is the scholar and the medicine man, Dar also meets another orphaned warrior named arina (the athletic marjean holden) who original joins his quest for her own reasons,but ultimately becomes a faithful companion. Technology,and nature vs. Evil story,but quite a nature vs. There is a contrast there amidst the crude savage badness of king zad and the cultured and refined, insane evil genius of king voden, and king zad emerges from the competition a more civilized, but hushed and still savage statesmanship and character.
The original episodes were violent and featured a heap of very intense combat scenes,but as the original season wore on,the series started to take on a pacifist and naturalist tone. The general story arc of the series is that the world is altering,civilization is encouraging,engineering science is gaining ground slowly,the old orders of magic and sorcery are fading,and the world is coaxed and threatened by the supernatural being balcifer, the dark one,played by jeremy Callaghan. The series also featured monika schnarre as the sorceress,apprentice to the ancient one,played by grahame bond. The abnormal story. He wanders the lands seeking his lost loved one, kyra, protecting the racked and oppressed and the animals.
The regular human enemy of dar, King Zad, was played by steven grives, and marc singer, the distinguishable and original beastmaster, appears in the third season as dartanus,the spirit warrior who assists dar on his quest. Balcifer's agent on world is king zad, who is original king of the terrons, a savage tribe that enslaves and pillages at will, and later,when the tribe is despoiled and destroyed by king voden leading a group of viking-like northerners, zad re-emerges as the king of xincha, the city at the essence of the world, after deposing voden, who fled into the wilderness at the end of the second season. Dar is the last survivor of his tribe.
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