Men In Black

Men In Black DVDMen In Black was an animated television series based on the popular movie of the same name. Jay, Kay and Elle are back as the Men in Black. The sci-fi tv series was based on the comic book series by Lowell Cunningham, originally published by Aircel Comics. MIB: The Series was based on the 1997 blockbuster Men In Black and continued where the film left off, though with some minor changes. Agent K remained an agent and partner to Agent J who moved to the lab inside Men In Black Headquarters. The headquarters itself was no longer under the ventilator building of the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel, but now at what looked like a disused area under LaGuardia airport. These differences are possibly addressed in one episode of the series, where it is revealed that every so often some writer or Hollywood-type learns of the MIB and makes a movie about them, possibly hinting that the live-action movie was one of these incidents. There were some further differences in appearances in the characters in the cartoon.

Tommy Lee Jones is Agent Kay, a member of a top-secret organization headed by Zed (Rip Torn). Better known as the “Men in Black” for the sharp black suits they wear, these are the agents that keep tabs on the population of alien visitors on Earth. When Kay finds himself in need of a new partner, he recruits brash NYPD detective James Edwards (Will Smith) as Agent Jay. Jay doesn’t get long to acclimatise to his new position, as the two agents find themselves battling a deadly plot by an intergalactic terrorist, who is on a mission to spark intergalactic war by assassinating two ambassadors from opposing galaxies who are currently in New York. The terrorist is an alien bug-like lifeforms that has taken to wearing the body of farmer Edgar (Vincent D’Onofrio) in order to insinuate himself into earth’s population without being noticed. To prevent disaster and the destruction of the Earth, Kay and Jay must track down the terrorist, with the help of coroner Dr Laurel Weaver (Linda Fiorentino), before he can bring his evil plans to fruition.

Men In Black television series is highly entertaining and full of good clean fun, it is an extravaganza packed with excellent alien effects and plenty of action. Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith in the Men In Black the movie are an inspired pairing, with plenty of chemistry as they squabble and poke fun at each other. It got an outstanding alien special effects and action. Very entertaining sci-fi comedy film with great special effects and plenty of chemistry between Jones and Smith.

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